Establishment and Affiliation

Tedim Christian College (TCC) is strategically situated in downtown Yangon at 156A Baho Road, Sanchaung Township. Established on February 20, 2000, TCC is committed to offering comprehensive theological and liberal arts education, with the aim of fostering the presence of Christ and promoting Christian values among the 7.3 million residents of Yangon and across Myanmar. The motto of the College is “learning, teaching, serving.”

The College operates under the auspices of the Tedim Baptist Convention, one of the 17 constituent members of the Myanmar Baptist Convention. Initially established as a B.Th Extension Program of the Myanmar Institute of Theology (MIT) in Insein, the College awarded MIT’s B.Th certificates to its graduates from 2004 to 2015. In the 2015-2016 academic year, MIT discontinued its affiliation with B.Th program schools, including TCC, to focus on its own graduate and postgraduate programs. Since then, TCC has thrived as an autonomous institution and is now a member of the Theological Education Department (TED) of the Myanmar Baptist Convention, the Association for Theological Education in Myanmar (ATEM), and the Association for Theological Education in Southeast Asia (ATESEA).

Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to produce excellent and effective servant leaders

Mission Statement

  • Our mission is to train men and women to demonstrate excellence in ministerial leadership for Church and Society.

Goals and Objectives


  • To witness to the Lordship of Christ
  • To cultivate Christian values for common good


  • To equip the student with sound biblical-theological scholarship
  • To empower the student with profound spirituality for servant leadership
  • To enrich the student with practical skills for transformational leadership


In order to accomplish the mission and vision statement, the College has threefold commitment. They are, to equip men and women with theological scholarship which relevant to contemporary context and contextual theology, to enrich men and women with practical skills for Christian Ministry in Myanmar, and to empower men and women with profound spiritual insight to confront the spiritual poverty of contemporary society.

Programs and Schools

The College offers two main programs: Theology and Liberal Arts.

The Theology program offers M.Div, B.Th, and Dip.Th degrees, preparing candidates for church ministry. TCC accepts and trains interdenominational students from various parts of Myanmar.

In the Liberal Arts program, diploma courses are offered through the following schools: the School of Management and Administration (SOMA), the School of Social Work (SOSW), and the School of Music (SOM). In response to current needs in Myanmar, TCC has also opened the School of GED, which offers a High School Diploma course to help students who were unable to complete high school due to the pandemic and political situation. The Liberal Arts program enrolls students from diverse faiths and ethnic backgrounds every year.