Tedim Christian College (TCC) is located at a very strategic place of Yangon downtown area. The venue is No. 156A, Baho Road, Sanchaung Township, Yangon. TCC is a private Christian school founded on Feb 20, 2000 with the commitment to be a learning center for promoting theological education to witness presence of Christ and contribute Christian value to the 7.3 million metropolitan populations in Yangon city particularly and all over Myanmar by and large. The College was established as B.Th Extension Program of Myanmar Institute of Theology, Insein, and the graduates received MIT’s B.Th certificates from 2004 to 2015. In 2015-2016 Academic Year, MIT freed all the B.Th affiliation schools including TCC in order to focus on her own graduate and postgraduate programs. Then, TCC becomes a sister school of Tedim Theological College (TTC, Tedim) which is a full-fledged accredited school of ATESEA. Both schools, TTC and TCC, are under the umbrella of Tedim Baptist Convention. Beginning from 2015-2016 academic year, TCC conducts her own graduation service until today. TCC is a member school of Theological Education Department (TED) of Myanmar Baptist Convention, and of Association for Theological Education of Myanmar (ATEM), a cooperate body of Myanmar Council of Churches.  The motto of the College is “learning, teaching, serving.”

There are two main programs in the school: Theology and Arts.  Theology program offers M.Div, B.Th and Dip.Th preparing the candidates for church ministry. TCC accepts and trains interdenominational students from different parts of Myanmar. The Arts program offers Diploma in Business Management, Diploma in Social Work and Diploma in Church Music. In Arts program, students from other faith and ethnicity are enrolled every year.  

In this report, we describe only theology program selectively as we are seeking accreditation on theology program.


    Batch                            Date               Graduates               Graduation Service

• First Batch                  06 Mar 2004                 14                                MIT

• Second Batch             12 Mar 2005                 19                                MIT

• Third Batch                11 Mar 2006                13                                MIT    

• Fourth Batch             10 Mar 2007                  8                                 MIT

• Fifth Batch                 08 Mar 2008                 13                                MIT

• Sixth Batch                07 Mar 2009                 11                                MIT

• Seventh Batch            06 Mar 2010                 17                                MIT

• Eight Batch                05 Mar 2011                   9                                 MIT

• Ninth Batch                10 Mar 2012                   6                                 MIT

• Tenth Batch               09 Mar 2013                 11                                MIT

• Eleventh Batch           08 Mar 2014                   6                                 MIT

• Twelfth Batch            07 Mar 2015                  8                                 MIT

• Thirteenth Batch         06 Mar 2016                  6                                 TCC

• Fourteenth Batch        05 Mar 2017                  7                                 TCC

• Fifteenth Batch           25 Feb 2018                   2                                 TCC

• Sixteenth Batch          03 Mar 2019                  7                                 TCC

            TOTAL                                               157

Alumni Association

The Alumni Association of TCC was founded in 2008 and AA meeting used to be held twice or thrice in a year to help the school and students for mentorship and scholarship. Some alumni continue to pursue their master degrees in Myanmar and abroad while most of them went back home to minister in the churches, associations, and mission fields. Some are working in humanitarian centers or NGOs for common good. The following chart shows the service and involvement of TCC alumni.